Our volunteers are In4All Stars!
Frank Oteiza of First Tech is one of 14 diverse volunteers highlighted by the 2018-2019 In4All Stars card deck.
In the spirit of baseball season, we just released our 2018-2019 All Star cards highlighting the diverse backgrounds and interests of our volunteers. This is the fourth year First Tech Credit Union has sponsored the production of the card decks that will be distributed to every 5th grade student participating in the STEM Connect program this school year.
The idea originally sprung from a STEM Connect program committee meeting where the group discussed how to highlight the diversity of our volunteers. In4All board member Scott Fletcher suggested using playing cards to help students and their families learn more about the volunteers and see what might be possible for themselves.
“The Watzek Library staff at Lewis & Clark came up with the baseball card idea to help students get to know them,” said Scott. “I thought we could use it in a similar way to help grade school students learn about the diversity of our business volunteers and how math and science are used in many fields.”
The player card deck features 14 volunteers selected by sponsor companies to represent their work in the classroom. The front of the card has a “player” photo and the back shares information about the volunteer’s biggest obstacle, greatest discovery, how they use math and science at work, and career advice for students.
We are printing 2,000 sets of cards this year to hand out to all the 5th grade students who participated in our STEM Connect program. Students take the cards home, share them with family, and hopefully aspire to be like someone they read about. It’s been a great way to cap off the STEM Connect experience for our grade school students who we will hopefully see again in 8th grade as the middle school program expands. Thank you to the 425 In4All Star volunteers who were involved in the STEM Connect program in the 2018-2019 school year. We hope to see all of you back next year!