the latest from the in4All community
Here is the most recent news from In4All plus links to articles that are being written by our business and education partners in the community about their experiences. Enjoy!
In4All Updates
September 5, 2023 — This summer, we produced two stories about our business-school partnerships to help organizations understand the great work these organizations are doing in the community. We focused on first-year partner Holst Architecture who is delivering the design thinking program to eighth grade classrooms, and Daimler Truck North America who has been an In4All partner for more than a decade. While the stories are different, their focus on the mission is the same. You can see both videos on our YouTube channel now.
February 18, 2022 — Congratulations to Jonah Yearick for receiving the Greg Ness Community Service Award! Jonah has been our volunteer leader for the partnership between The Standard and Creston Elementary since 2017. Click below to read the article from The Standard’s newsletter.
Media Coverage
Portland business journal
July 23, 2021 — The Technology Association of Oregon generously dedicated a guest column in the Portland Business Journal profiling our work to mobilize the community in changing the trajectory of student lives. In the article, New Relic describes why involvement in In4All is important to their mission as a company. You can read the full article on the TAO website.
Oregon Public Broadcasting
January 30, 2020 — When Portland General Electric announced its $250,000 give to Portland Public Schools for climate change curriculum, it chose to share the news in a fifth grade class at Bridger Elementary during an In4All water filtration activity.
Partner News
Our business and education volunteers are champions of our work inside their own organizations and with peers. Here are a few examples of what our partners are sharing with their communities. If you have an article you would like to highlight, send us a link.
ONPOint and in4all are mobilizing community to change lives
As part of its “Education Roots Sprout Success” blog series, OnPoint shares how volunteers built 2,000 science kits for the school year then led sixth-grade students at Raleigh Hills Middle School through the design thinking program. Thank you, OnPoint, for sharing your experiences!
design thinking program - odot & in4all
Sarah Terry, an administrative specialist at ODOT, contributed an article to GovLoop about the organization’s involvement in the design thinking program.
in4all & agc visit bridgeport elementary
Aaron Bouchane of AGC wrote an article for Build Oregon, a website for construction career information, that shares their experience of visiting the fourth grade classrooms at Bridgeport Elementary. (Hint: It’s the second article in the newsletter)